

Old mottos resurfaced in a strange land
Ogling blindly eyeballs all over the horizontal landscapes
Laying with my head upside dangling from the bed
Drunk wobbling it up now to find balanced faces like demi-demon ghosts white haunting
panting voices and legs like days dwindling each other down with nail file twine
How long would it take to cut open your arm with an unlit candle?
Rub at it turning the wax skin and burn
I got your half blood head fang hanging over my bed now
It bleeds on me still
Drips in my mouth while I rest
It tastes okay I guess
What kind of flavour is this?
This popsicle is too hot
I need your mouth right to come
Even eyelids glitter when you're crying dear
The spot is less then complimentary
But I do like your ears still

1 comment:

  1. your poems make me shiver, in a good way.
    quite the way with words. :3
